THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF HISTORY This is a photo that was taken in 1826 known with the name of "Point of view from the window in Le Gras"; it was taken by the French Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in the region of Burgundy, France. The image was made on a pewter sheet (zinc alloy, lead and tin) and recorded, after 8 hours of exposure, from the roof of the farm; His intention was to capture the landscape of the scientist's farm. Personally I love this photo as it represents the beginning of a new era where technology replaces the classic painting that at that time was responsible for immortalizing the moments that were wanted to keep. Thanks to the discovery of José Nicéphore Niépce, it was possible to continue advancing from the basics that was his "camera" until arriving today, where the cameras allow him to have the photos of immediate form and not to wait 8 hours to see the result of his session of pictures. Currently, the photo is preserved at the ...