

Serey Josefa Contreras Varas was born in Curicó, Chile in 1998. At the age of 5 she moved to Chillan for living more close to her grandparents, aunts and uncles. She stayed there until she turned 12. At the age of 13 she and her family went to live in Madrid, Spain; there she went to the high school of Madrid until the age of 14.

In 2012, she returned to Curicó, Chile for the simple reason that her big brother moved to Santiago for study in the university and her parents wanted to be a little more closer to him.

In Curicó she grew up surrounded by good friends and every year getting to knew really good people.

At 2016 she finished the school in Instituto San Martín- Curicó.

Now, she moved to Santiago, Chile to live with her brother and begin her studies at the university.


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